ALPHA CHIROPRACTIC and Family Wellness Center. Located in Washington NC.
Eastern North Carolina's Premier Family Wellness Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center.

Eastern North Carolina's Premier Family Wellness Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center.
We welcome the opportunity to help you and your family heal and reach your chiropractic goals.
Our approach to health includes optimal nutrition, functional movement, emotional or psychological well-being, and of course, an optimal functioning nervous system, spine, and joints. These make up the triad of health and are the basis to maintain optimal health and quality of life for as long as it is one of your health goals! We are a washington chiropractic center focused on individual care for a diverse patient population. chiropractor acupuncture Belhaven Greenville
Health problems, including spinal, joint, and neurological problems tend to run in families. This is why the majority of our practice are not only adults, but their children as well.
Acupuncture Washington NC
Chiropractor Williamston, Plymouth, Belhaven.
We are conveniently located on the west side of Washington, NC. Just off of the the Hwy. 17 bypass and close to Dollar General on highway 264.
20 minutes east of Greenville on 264.
chiropractor acupuncture Belhaven
Today | Closed |
Sun: 7:30 - 12
Mon: 7:30 - 12; 3 - 6
Tue: 2 - 5
Wed: 7:30-12; 3 - 6
Thu: 7:30 - 12; 2 - 5
Fri: By appointment
Sat: By appointment
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events. chiropractor acupuncture Belhaven Greenville Washington
Alpha Chiropractic
1832 W 5th Street, Washington, North Carolina 27889, United States
Copyright © 2017 Alpha Chiropractic - All Rights Reserved.